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/ Collection of OS/2 Programs / Collection of OS-2 Programs.iso / programs / pmwalkr2.zip

Archives (3)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
step1.ico OS/2 Bitmap Array 2 1KB 1992-11-12
step2.ico OS/2 Bitmap Array 2 1KB 1992-11-12
step3.ico OS/2 Bitmap Array 2 1KB 1992-11-12

Text (6)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
makefile Makefile 13 328b 1992-11-12
readme.txt Text File 33 1KB 1992-11-13
walker.c C/C++ Source or Header 109 3KB 1992-11-12
walker.def Text File 12 212b 1992-11-11
walker.h Text File 14 321b 1992-11-12
walker.rc Text File 9 159b 1992-11-12

Other Files (1)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
walker.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 4 32KB 1992-11-12